It's Cleo's human here, I wanted to share this on her blog...she wouldn't mind. Well...she might be just a s'kosh embarrassed, but people oughta' know how special she is to us, right?
I have often posted about C and her ability to handle things gently...with the kids or the pups, or the kittens. This time she hit me with it and I wanted to share.
Without going into to much detail the husband made on of "those" comments last know one of those things where right when it happens it hits you kinda wrong but you aren't sure respond and then later sit thinking "wth?? that was just NOT nice/true/accurate/loving"...
I started to feel rather lousy about it, and really get moody and left the room to hit FB and distract myself. The feeling wouldn't go away. He hit a nerve, one which...looking back, he probably didn't even know was there...and I got truly upset at that point...fighting back tears. Girly I know but it happens, even to me.
I had no sooner stifled a small sob, and it WAS small...I was in a completely different ROOM from dh and Cleo and a TV was on to boot...then Cleo just "appeared" at my side...head down....almost skulking up to my knees as I sat perched in my puter chair.
She sat very close and put her paw on my lap and I lost it...just started sobbing like a dolt. She sat there very still, panting softly and offering a lick to my knee every now and again (I SWEAR I heard a voice in my head saying "now now dearie it'll be alright, just tell Miss Cleo all about it..." in a Angela Lansbury voice, but that HAD to be my imagination).
Now the above is what you expect from any dog....they don't like their people upset, and I appreciated it. What came next was what floored me.
Cleo left me sobbing (quietly..I did not want to attract attention)...and went to the doorway between my room and dh's and stood there THUMPING her tail on the wall...and dancing on her front feet while intently STARING into the room my dh was in...apparently at him, he later told me. He got up to presumably let her out the back door which was nearby...and of course saw me and came towards me to ask what was wrong. Cleo then came and stood between us and panted a little harder as we had a somewhat terse exchange and then he sat down on the floor...and we both took a breath.
As soon as he did so she went to the back door pointedly and asked to be let out.
We talked...tough night, but we would not have talked otherwise. I tend to be a "keeper' tho that is bad and utterly the wrong way to handle things.
Again...I was and am truly floored by what she did. I don't know why she did it...but it is a Leo trait to be very concerned about family issues and very sensitive to them. They cannot abide their people arguing and it stresses them, in some cases to the point of ill health. Not a dog to choose for a tumultuous household. We typically are not one....but she knew what to do in thise case almost as much as a person with a Therapy degree did.
What a dog!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
More babies to look after!
Hi everyone, Cleo here!
My kittens left Saturday...they were big and my human said it was time for them to have some kinda operation and find new homes? Why? They lived HERE!
Oh well, I didn't have to be sad long because the next day my human brought home 3 MORE kittens. These look more like puppies do when they're new. They don't have eyes! I mean they HAVE eyes but they aren't open...and they smell like that smell when babies first come out. They are so small too, much smaller than even the Beaglets were when I first saw them.
I love them. They are so very cute. There is one the color of cream...and two that are is VERY orange and has white and the other is kinda duller orange. The duller orange one does NOT HAVE A TAIL! I couldn't believe it! I looked everywhere for it but it's gone!
I help my human every 2-3 hours...I sit very still and lick the babies bottoms so they can make pee and poop. I know that sounds gross but they are really small and they need help to do that. I like to help because then I get to be so close to them and they smell so interesting to me. The cream colored one HISSES at me!! Even when I am helping! But that's okay we'll be friends soon.
They are so small now. I hope they will be okay and get bigger each day. I just wanted to tell you about them. My human says when we are sure they are okay...we'll take a picture so then I can show you them! okay?
My kittens left Saturday...they were big and my human said it was time for them to have some kinda operation and find new homes? Why? They lived HERE!
Oh well, I didn't have to be sad long because the next day my human brought home 3 MORE kittens. These look more like puppies do when they're new. They don't have eyes! I mean they HAVE eyes but they aren't open...and they smell like that smell when babies first come out. They are so small too, much smaller than even the Beaglets were when I first saw them.
I love them. They are so very cute. There is one the color of cream...and two that are is VERY orange and has white and the other is kinda duller orange. The duller orange one does NOT HAVE A TAIL! I couldn't believe it! I looked everywhere for it but it's gone!
I help my human every 2-3 hours...I sit very still and lick the babies bottoms so they can make pee and poop. I know that sounds gross but they are really small and they need help to do that. I like to help because then I get to be so close to them and they smell so interesting to me. The cream colored one HISSES at me!! Even when I am helping! But that's okay we'll be friends soon.
They are so small now. I hope they will be okay and get bigger each day. I just wanted to tell you about them. My human says when we are sure they are okay...we'll take a picture so then I can show you them! okay?
Monday, April 26, 2010
Okay...I hadda leash on still BUT no one was holding it! When we went to the school I was having a lot of fun...laying in the mud then I ran around with my family for a while. It was nice. I did not like the leash dragging all in my feet but the human said I had to wear it..."for a the first few times" just in case I ran off. Like I would do that! I am too busy watching the kids to run off!
I had a lot of fun so here's some pictures!
Here's one last picture of me making a funny face. Bye for now!
I had a lot of fun so here's some pictures!
Here's one last picture of me making a funny face. Bye for now!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Look at this news!
It's Cleo again. I have such BIG NEWS!!
I have kittens! I know you are very jealous of me now, but I will share some pictures okay?
I have 5 kittens. They are all very cute and small. They meow a lot but I take care of them. Only sometimes tho because they have a Mama that lives in the playroom. I am not allowed to go in the playroom and that makes me sad. BUT it's okay because the kittens come out to see me a lot of times. They make me very happy and they like me now. Enjoy the rest of the pictures okay? I will put some more when I have new ones!
Bye for now everybody!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
My Puppy
I wanted to tell you guys about my puppy, her name is RC. RC has been my puppy since she was very small. I mean one time she was even smaller than she is now. Here I will show you, here is when I first saw her...and I said hello. She needed someone to help her stay warm and stuff so I said okay, because she was small and all small things need to be taken care of,
There was 3 puppies...but RC was always my most favorite. She looked like Susie...Susie was gone when RC came...I don't know where, but it made me sad and worried. RC looked like Susie and that helped me feel like Susie wasn't gone. Pretty soon RC got a little bigger..but she was still small. She learned new stuff like how to walk and bark and bite me,
I taught her some things she needed to know, like how big dogs drank from bowls and not from those dangly things that hang offa Momma dogs. She still grabbed mine sometimes but I didn't mind...
Sometime tho she grabbed my tail and I DO...mind that. IT HURTS!
RC kept growing...puppies do that you know...and then the other two puppies went away to other people...but my human said that RC was going to stay to be my puppy for always and that made me very happy, because I always wanted my own puppy!
We're going to always be together...and she will always be smaller than me, too. But that is okay because small things need to be taken care of, and that is what I!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
They're Playin' Bas--ket--ball...
Cleo's human here, wanted to post the following in honor of the upcoming NCAA Final Four Tourney. Cleo loves her some basketball...enjoy!
Hey Cleo...wanna play hoops?

Did you say...HOOPZ!!!!????

She can cover the whole danged court by herself...

always on guard against the no look pass...
Man! she got that one too!!
You can't go up either...her vertical is the shizznit!!
Another drive to the hoop, no dice...
Tenacious D in the paint...
She can hustle...leave it all on the court yo...
Hope you enjoyed the game! :o)
Hey Cleo...wanna play hoops?

Did you say...HOOPZ!!!!????

Bring it!!
oOOH SNAP! DENIED!She can cover the whole danged court by herself...

always on guard against the no look pass...
Man! she got that one too!!
You can't go up either...her vertical is the shizznit!!
Another drive to the hoop, no dice...
Tenacious D in the paint...
She can hustle...leave it all on the court yo...
Hope you enjoyed the game! :o)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Me and my bucket
Lily was teaching me to stand UP...see? I am sorta too tall for this trick tho. I could have taken the cookie but I didn't...that's rude. You might hurt fingers if you do that. I always wait til they put it into my mouth before I take it!
She said she was a "lion tamer" but I don't know what that is...I am a dog!

I love Lily but she does some strange things. She put a toy bucket on my head and wanted me to sit there still so I did. My human mom took pictures so here they are...

She said she was a "lion tamer" but I don't know what that is...I am a dog!
I love Lily but she does some strange things. She put a toy bucket on my head and wanted me to sit there still so I did. My human mom took pictures so here they are...
Lily may be a little weird but I like playing with her...she always pets me a lot and kisses my nose! Bye!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Digging and Sharky.
Hi it's me Cleo. I forgot about this Now I'm back!
I had made the most wonderful hole in the backyard. It is big enough for ME! Very proud but the human momma said that digging that way was "bad" and I should quit it. She also said that when I dig like that the dirt gets in my eyes and I get "eye boogies" what is THAT??? She always pokes at my eyeballs when she says that. I hate it.
Sometimes I go back to my hole place and it is GONE! then I have to start all over again. It's really strange...but I am patient..I always make it again.
Now my girl remember her? Well she bought me a new's Sharky...he's a shark, but you probably would rather me just show you him. Here he is. I love him a lot...especially when I suck on his nose!!

I had made the most wonderful hole in the backyard. It is big enough for ME! Very proud but the human momma said that digging that way was "bad" and I should quit it. She also said that when I dig like that the dirt gets in my eyes and I get "eye boogies" what is THAT??? She always pokes at my eyeballs when she says that. I hate it.
Sometimes I go back to my hole place and it is GONE! then I have to start all over again. It's really strange...but I am patient..I always make it again.
Now my girl remember her? Well she bought me a new's Sharky...he's a shark, but you probably would rather me just show you him. Here he is. I love him a lot...especially when I suck on his nose!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My eye hurts.
My human says I have some irritation of the conjunctiva...I think in human speak that means, my eye hurts?
It does. It's goopy too. Making me squint a lot. Good news tho is that the NASTY stuff my human puts in my eye makes me feel so much better and the goop was gone this morning!
I hope my eye is better soon because I can't really do cray-zay eye with a sore eyeball.
The weatherTVman said the cold is coming back which makes me happy. The only thing worse than a sore eye is a sore eye AND being too hot. I think it was 50 degrees yesterday with means in Cleo language "too hot"!!
It's Monday so my kids went to school. I don't like this day of the week...but at least they will be home later, I like my house the best...when ALL my people are inside it!
ETA: I has a video to share! Here I am, dancing to a song I love! "Beat It" by Michael Jackson, dance with me??
My human says I have some irritation of the conjunctiva...I think in human speak that means, my eye hurts?
It does. It's goopy too. Making me squint a lot. Good news tho is that the NASTY stuff my human puts in my eye makes me feel so much better and the goop was gone this morning!
I hope my eye is better soon because I can't really do cray-zay eye with a sore eyeball.
The weatherTVman said the cold is coming back which makes me happy. The only thing worse than a sore eye is a sore eye AND being too hot. I think it was 50 degrees yesterday with means in Cleo language "too hot"!!
It's Monday so my kids went to school. I don't like this day of the week...but at least they will be home later, I like my house the best...when ALL my people are inside it!
ETA: I has a video to share! Here I am, dancing to a song I love! "Beat It" by Michael Jackson, dance with me??
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Sick house
Cleo here, I know I have been gone awhile and I will tell ya why...
My people got sick. I dunno how...none of them ate that thing I found in the yard the other day that made ME feel kinda wonky. They seemed to want to do nothing but lay around, and make stuff come out of their mouth or their butts...and my human Mom was super grumpy. I'd sit on her feets and breathe on her, like a always do and she PUT ME OUTSIDE!! I was stuck out there for most of the day and the next one too!
To make things even worse was burning hot. The weatherTVperson said it was seventy something. I dunno what that number means but I know I was hot! I kept checking in the windows to see if someone was coming to let me inside but no luck til almost NITE! She let me inside then and gave me my dinner and petted me and talked to me about "stress" and "needing a break" whatever that means!
I guess that when my human has 3 sick people to care for she needs all her "sanity" which I don't know what that is but surely a little tiny dog like me constantly behind her is not anything that would affect her "sanity"??
Things are back to normal now mostly...the small boy is at school but my Lily is still human says we need to keep an eye on her and make sure she is okay. Well DUH... I do that all the time, anyways...amateurs!
My people got sick. I dunno how...none of them ate that thing I found in the yard the other day that made ME feel kinda wonky. They seemed to want to do nothing but lay around, and make stuff come out of their mouth or their butts...and my human Mom was super grumpy. I'd sit on her feets and breathe on her, like a always do and she PUT ME OUTSIDE!! I was stuck out there for most of the day and the next one too!
To make things even worse was burning hot. The weatherTVperson said it was seventy something. I dunno what that number means but I know I was hot! I kept checking in the windows to see if someone was coming to let me inside but no luck til almost NITE! She let me inside then and gave me my dinner and petted me and talked to me about "stress" and "needing a break" whatever that means!
I guess that when my human has 3 sick people to care for she needs all her "sanity" which I don't know what that is but surely a little tiny dog like me constantly behind her is not anything that would affect her "sanity"??
Things are back to normal now mostly...the small boy is at school but my Lily is still human says we need to keep an eye on her and make sure she is okay. Well DUH... I do that all the time, anyways...amateurs!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Where do puppies come from?
from ME that's where! I am Cleo and I am going to have puppies. I just know it.
My human says I am a nut and dramatic and such...she said something about there being no way since there was never a "boy dog" within spitting distance of me, ever in my whole life. I don't know WHAT "boy" dogs are anyways...what do they have to do with puppies coming? Humans are cray-zay.
I been making my crate all nice and cosy for my puppies and I brought in some stuffed amminals that I like a lot...been moving them around with my nose sometimes.
My human said to me the only puppies I can have are invisible ones but pfft! I don't care what color they are I will love them anyways...because that's what Momma dogs, do!
I am not mopey and dramatic...
When you are havin puppies you lay around a lot is all....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Me and my best girl
Hi everyone, it's Cleo here once again. Today I wanted to share something about my best friend...her name is Lily. She is my human's daughter, and we love each other a whole lot.
Right from when I got here, when I was small I picked Lily to be my most special person...she is small, and happy, and has pretty hair. She paid me a lot of attention and said I looked like a stuffed animal...I don't know about that but I knew I liked her!

She and I have done lots of fun things together over the couple of years that I have known her. I remember a little bit after I got to Texas...IT SNOWED!! I had heard it doesn't snow much here but there it was!!
We had a good time innit together...see how little I used to be?

We've sort of grown up together and shared a lot of special times, and gossip! That's what girls do ;o)

My human says we even kinda make the same expressions in pictures, what do you think?

I grew bigger and so did Lily, now we are both young ladies. She and I play dress up and cuddle, we play outside...even BASKETBALL (my favorite) and she even made me a "Best Friend" card that I keep on my crate so I can look at it anytime I want to!

I'll share a few more pictures of me and my best girl Lily...if you don't mind?

I think every dog should have a special girl like Lily. Or I guess a boy would be okay too...if that's all you have. Hehe. Little joke there...because I am funny. In fact my human says I am THE funniest dog ever...but I will save proof of that for a different post I think.
Thank you for stopping by to read about Lily and me!
Right from when I got here, when I was small I picked Lily to be my most special person...she is small, and happy, and has pretty hair. She paid me a lot of attention and said I looked like a stuffed animal...I don't know about that but I knew I liked her!

She and I have done lots of fun things together over the couple of years that I have known her. I remember a little bit after I got to Texas...IT SNOWED!! I had heard it doesn't snow much here but there it was!!
We had a good time innit together...see how little I used to be?

We've sort of grown up together and shared a lot of special times, and gossip! That's what girls do ;o)

My human says we even kinda make the same expressions in pictures, what do you think?

I grew bigger and so did Lily, now we are both young ladies. She and I play dress up and cuddle, we play outside...even BASKETBALL (my favorite) and she even made me a "Best Friend" card that I keep on my crate so I can look at it anytime I want to!

I'll share a few more pictures of me and my best girl Lily...if you don't mind?

I think every dog should have a special girl like Lily. Or I guess a boy would be okay too...if that's all you have. Hehe. Little joke there...because I am funny. In fact my human says I am THE funniest dog ever...but I will save proof of that for a different post I think.
Thank you for stopping by to read about Lily and me!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Picture Makin'
Cleo here,
Humans love to take pictures...well most do. Some in fact love it so much they take pictures of THEMSELVES...doin nothing..just looking at the camera and doing that dumb thing they do with their mouths...smiling I think it's called...
One thing I have found is that is REALLY fun to bother them when they are doing this. They get mad...but they usually laugh too, which always mean you won't be getting into any real trouble...
Allow me to use my human to demonstrate?
See how she is mostly mad...but smiling too? I am SO safe...
Don't be scared to really go for it...the faces they make are almost worth any punishment...
There you go, don't say I never gave you all any tips!
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