Thursday, February 25, 2010

Digging and Sharky.

Hi it's me Cleo. I forgot about this Now I'm back!

I had made the most wonderful hole in the backyard. It is big enough for ME! Very proud but the human momma said that digging that way was "bad" and I should quit it. She also said that when I dig like that the dirt gets in my eyes and I get "eye boogies" what is THAT??? She always pokes at my eyeballs when she says that. I hate it.

Sometimes I go back to my hole place and it is GONE! then I have to start all over again. It's really strange...but I am patient..I always make it again.

Now my girl remember her? Well she bought me a new's Sharky...he's a shark, but you probably would rather me just show you him. Here he is. I love him a lot...especially when I suck on his nose!!

Now I am done for now...but I won't forget next time (I hope) so I will be back soon!